Why Do I Need a Plan Review?

In order to avoid preventable cost and time impacts to your project!

No set of construction documents is perfect - just ask any experienced team member of a construction project.  What may be even more surprising is how often the same issues come up on different projects - even when plans or details are re-used from previous projects.  Check out our "Common Problems" checklist for some examples.

How is that possible?  Chalk it up to compressed design cycles, a focus on just "getting through" the design process, or an assumption that these problems will just "work themselves out" during construction (for a price, of course).  Any way you cut it, these problems are lurking in the documents waiting for the most inopportune time to jump out of the shadows.  You owe it to yourself to uncover as many of these issues as soon as possible - preferably before bids are submitted, contracts are negotiated, and construction begins.

Successful projects are the result of good planning, and an important part of good planning is taking the time to check the plans and specifications during plan development.  Time spent looking for conflicts and missing information early in the project cycle is worth double, triple, even ten times the cost of the time and effort expended in a document review - not to mention reducing the frustration to the Client and all members of the project team.

We encourage you to use our "Common Questions" checklist, engage our team for a Document Review, or perform your own independent review, but don't skip this important step in the successful execution of your project.  We are here to help you succeed!