Robust Review

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Of Boundaries and Retaining Walls...

One of the most common problem areas in a set of plans, and therefore a source of constructability comments or RFI's, are at the limits of work, or the project boundaries.  Some projects may include a set of "off-site" project plans, and some projects are limited to a "Tenant Improvement" or Modernization scope, but that doesn't guarantee that there won't be problems at the limits of work.

No matter what your project scope, make sure to examine the property limits and ask the following questions (at a minimum):

1. Are there differences between the new grades vs. the old grades anywhere around the limit of work, and, if so, are those differences addressed?  A lot of retaining walls get added to the project scope with this question.

2. Are the utility points of connection identified in both their horizontal and vertical locations?  Don't forget to examine the "wet" utilities, as well as the "dry" utilities such as power, telephone and data.  This is especially important for the gravity lines like sewer and storm drain.

3. Are other utilities near the limit of work identified in both their horizontal and vertical locations?  On more than one occasion, a concrete-encased main power line or main gas transmission line have complicated my off-site utility connection work.

4.  If the project is a Tenant Improvement or Modernization project, are all nearby Architectural, Structural and MEP elements located and identified?  Finding a "surprise" concrete footing, electrical conduit or a Medical Gas shut off valve have greatly complicated my construction budget and schedule in the past.